Monday, February 09, 2004


wadoh males banget mo ngapdate ni blog, yah udalah gw apdet aja deh.

okey here is what I want to say rigth now. was any of you ever felt that you've seen it before. Like De Ja Vu. what do you think about that. Is it our ability to see the future or what it's like what the Wachonsky brother said a mafunction of the program. or someone put a hack on it.

I've seen many De Ja Vu. almost everyday. huaahff lost word.

anyway. my question to you is. what do you think a De Ja Vu is. I have a small story of De Ja Vu, and it was the clearest vision tha I' ve ever seen. in my dream I saw a number that will shown today. it's like a betting number, you know SDSB atawa porkas. nha, gw di mimpi liat nomor yang keluar itu 36. klo ga sala gw itu masi sd klas brapa gituh uda lupa. nah besoknya pas gw pegi nek mobil, gw liat nomor itu terpampang dengan jelas.

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