Friday, February 27, 2004

antara dosa keturunan, virus, dan akibat

okeh.... semua orang uda pada tau kan klo di jelasin arti perkata itu diatas. tapi menurut gw ketiganya itu punya hubungan satu sama lainnya.

dosa keturunan

ini kepercayaan orang kristen, yang mana gw ga percaya sama sekali. Di bilang bahwa setiap bayi yang baru lahir itu sudah menanggung dosa dari bapaknya ato nenek moyangnya, klo gw bilang sih kasian banget yah. Tapi ini menurut buku ke brapa gituh gw ga tau, gw bukan orang kristen ^^ huhuhu. Tapi mungkin ada benernya juga kali yah. *lah gmana si gw*.


nah untuk yang satu ini pasti uda pada tau kan merupakan mahluk terkecil yang ada di bumi ini. ya ga sih. nah pastinya juga uda pada tau kan dengan satu buah virus yang katanya ampe skarang itu blom ada obatnya. you guess it rigth its HIV AIDS. nah si virus satu ini dari mana datengnya ga ada yang tau yakan. cman di ketahui pas dari tahun 1990-an ajah pokonya. tapi siapa pengidap pertama atawa penyebabnya itu masih ga jelas. *ato udah yah*

akibat perbuatan

nah ini ini akhir dari sgalanya dan juga awal dari sgalanya. pebuatan manusia itu adalah awal dan akhir dari segalanya. klo yang satu ini ga usah panjang lebar diomongin juga uda pada tau cuman uda pada nyadar tapi ga mau pada bertindak. me too ^^b


dari ketiganya itu sudah pasti menurut gw berhubungan satu sama lainnya. klo menurut gw virus itu sudah ada didalam tubuh manusia, terutama penyakit setiap manusia itu didalam dirinya sudah terdapat yang namanya penyakit. tapi dalam keadaan yang masih bisa diatasi oleh sistem antibodi diri masing2. nah jadi knapa si HIV ini bisa berkembang biak. yah itu tadi akibat ulah manusianya itu sendiri knapa juga mereka melakukan hubungan seks yang over kaya gituh. kan jadinya kaya gitu deh. satu orang ngidap, tapi dia dari mana dapetnya? nah mangkanya itu lah yang disebut dengan dosa turunan. menurut gw loh ini.

setiap orang memiliki virus di diri setiap mereka dan akibat dari ulah perbuatan mereka sendiri virus itu bangkit mungkin ini lah knapa di sebut dengan dosa turunan. ^^ tul gasih.

Thursday, February 26, 2004

keinginan2 ato dreams

knapa si selalu hal seperti ini yang terjadi. knapa ko rasanya tidak seperti yang di harapkan.
keinginan-keinginan orang diatas kita dan juga di bawah kita. apa harus di turuti.
lalu klo hal seperti itu tidak dapat dipenuhi knapa hanya rasa bersalah yang terasa. knapa ga yang laennya.
knapa hanya rasa kesal yang terasa. knapa ga yang laennya.
knapa hanya rasa sedih yag terasa. knapa ga yang laennya.
tapi klo tercapai pun apa rasa puas akan tercapai.
apa rasa senang akan terpenuhi.
atawa rasa sedih yang mendalam yang akan di dapat.
tau deh.
ko rasanya kaya datang dan pergi lageh.
puas karena didapat.
tapi sedih karena tak terpenuhi.

penyesalan seorang pipo.....

maaf kmaren lupa post ^^b

maaf neh kmaren lupa ngepost...... abisan lagi ga ada brita apa2. ^^

gmana klo sekarang gw crita waktu gw kmaren ke Bandung. yup ke Bandung what is that really special about me going to Bandung anyway.

Well first of all Iam the kind of person who doesn't like to go around, I prefer to stay at home playing game rather than go to places. But yesterday my mother want to go to Bandung and brougth me along to accompany her.
I said to her "well ok, beside its a long weekend anyway, so when do we leave?"
She said " tomorow at 5 o'clock"
"5 o'clock" I sez, "ok then"
"good, you'll be the one who drive"

And at the morning of we go. with my two litle brother and 1 litle sister. And mean it litle. 1 is at second grade of elemantary, the sister is at pre-school, and the litleest one are only 3-4 months. and I drove the car, we depart at 6 and arrive there at 11. not just the road is jam the way through there. the passengger also needs to do things. like: I wanna puke, I need to pee, uh-oh the baby need to change, slow down we are making a milk here.

finally when we arrive there, I thought that is it I can rest. but then we want to look around the city said my sister, I want to ride a horse said my brother. I had no rest. then we went to a place called Gazibu, they say it some what a really famous place where all the Jakarta's people want to visit there. wow that place sounds cool, but when I arrive there. what the.... is this the place that so called. *its not more than a place to sit around eat food* ^^b.

then at 3 afternoon we went home. luckly it wasnt me who drove the car. and i rest all the way home. ^.^

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Tahun baru loooh

Well as of today, yesterday. uda pergantian taon...... dalem staun ini uda tiga kali taon baru. taon baru masehi, imlek, and hijriyah.

harapan-harapan pun berbeda tiap tahunnya. brarti dalam kurun waktu dua bulan ini apa ja yang uda tercapai yak. nothing that has been accomplish. mala pada siang yang panas seperti hari ini kita mengeluh lagi.........

kmaren pas ujan lebet kita mengeluh tentang ujan yang ga pernah berenti n bikin banjuir. tapi pas hari ini kita mengalami panas lagi, tapi masalahnya sekarang malah terlalu panas. ampe2 rambut kaya kering gituh.

emang sih manusia itu selalu mengeluh. di kasi ujan ngeluh, di kasi panas ngeluh. abisannya terlalu berlebihan sih dikasihnya, klo ujan ampe banjir, eh pas panas ampe kekeringan. yah maunya sih pas gituh. lah emang kita bisa ngatur untuk hal seperti itu.

yang mesti di peratiin itu bukan seberapa banyak hal yang akan kita terima ato seberapa sedikit. tapi bagaimana kita memaksimalkan yang kita dapat ituh. tul gasih? ^.^

Friday, February 20, 2004


gw lage pusing banget. so ga ada update untuk hari ini. lage males banget ngetik. ga tau mo nulis apa.

klo gw ngomongin eh nulisin tentang cewe yang gw dump ga enak juga ngingetnya. soale tu cewe ga tau banget gmana gw waktu itu seh. gw si ga ngomong secara langsung. soalnya menurut gw buat apa janjian ato jadian sih klo cuman brubah status ama cara ngomong ajah.

kan katanya klo orang jadian ato pacaran biasanya mereka ngomongnya pake aku kamu. lah klo dulunya temen biasa pake gw lo, trus jadian cuma brubah jadi aku kamu. hmmm..... kayanya ga perlu banget.

trus lage, knapa seh cewe itu mesti pake kata2 sgala. klo uda tau klo cowonya itu sayang n care banget, knapa mesti pake nanya lagi sebenernya kita ini apa sih hubungannya.

jadi critanya gini. kmaren uda aga lama sih. lagi deket ama cewe, dia minta temenin k sini gw temenin, minta temenin k sana gw temenin. trus pada suatu hari. pas hari lagi ujan deres n gw lagi pilek berat ama pala lagi pusing kdinginan, dia minta temenin pertama k cempaka putih katanya mo nyari apa gituh. trus k pulo gadung, pas di sono ujan deres banget. ya uda ga jadi nyari barang di sana. trus dia bilang oh iya mo ke hotel maharaja, mo ngambil tiket d tantenya buat pulang k mojokerto. ya udah dengan badan uda basah n berat n pala makin pusing n ingus makin meler, gw sanggupin nemenin dia k hotel itu yang notabene di daerah mampang. pas uda d sana ampir mo magrib ambil tiket n dia minta anterin lagi k rumahnya, yang ampir deket kali malang, oke deh gw sanggupin lagi. pas uda nyampe rumahnya, depan gerbang gw langsung mo cabut aja karena uda malem. hhheeeepppp.... ambil napas panjang!

pas nyampe di rumah hp bebunyi pas diliat ternyata dia nelpon mo nanya sesuatu katanya penting, pas lagi nanya2 uda nyam rumah blom, trus ga kesasarkan, dsb, dll, baru deh inti pertanyaannya "sebenernya kita ini hubungannya apa sih.............................................."

hah!? sehahnya hah skali lagi gw hah, asli gw kaget banget, dalem ati gw kaget banget. emang slama ini gw brusaha ndeketin dia itu buat apa, apa cuman buat jadi temen doang, yah ngga lah. tapi pas dia tanya. gw langsung ga tau mo ngomong apa.........

yah mungkin klo dari crita kaya diatas yang sala itu gw, ga scara terus terang bilang monya gw tiu apa. tapi menurut pendapat gw knapa mesti bilang klo gw pengen jadi cowo lo.

apa emang semua cewe mesti mendapatkan ajakan "mo ga jadi cewe gw....."

ah tau deh susa buat gw mo ngomong kaya gitu..... xxx

Thursday, February 19, 2004


Commonly that newspaper put on their headlines. Coz of the heavy rain there are many places that covered with water, or flood. Known as 'banjir', what're going to do when this thing happen..... for a fasion designer, they would like to make a new model of cloth. but for outomotive designer they would like to make a new vehicle that could mmove on to two place. Kinda amphiby car, that's cute.

Other things that might come up again is the most terrifying avian flu. So most of you who own chicken take good care of them, and I mean it take really good care of them. coz they might catch a cold. ^_^

And finally, ever since the start of this year have you all notice how many disaster that struck this world especially Indonesia. We could call it one by one if we like, earthquacke, hard rain, wind blowing, ice, flood, fire, magma or eruption, what else that connected with earth element. Though I might said that all of it was only on level 1 or the lowest that struck.

Addition of the good news, the government said that it was not the climax of the rain that will struck Indonesia. Aren't we tired of it. ^_^

Wednesday, February 18, 2004


OOoo K, there's nothing new as of today. no activity, no work, well actually from last monday I'm already on my new office. they gave me a computer to work with, but havn't give me any work yet. they said that technically I'm on their company start on last monday, that was 16 Feb, but they havn't give me the job or the work yet. yet, they counted my absence. they count when I arrive at the office, but not count when I leave the office^^. well that is fine with me.

but then again they said that technically my work start at march 1....hmmm..... will this month count with my pay check ^^. I know its not nice, to act like that. but, I need the money though.

the last three day I only surf the net through the office internet. I know its not a good attitude, using office facility but not doing any work. so since monday every time the office boy or some one need a help to move stuff I help them out. just to make sure that I'm working in that office. ^^b

Tuesday, February 17, 2004


The lucky number they said. Yeah right, for me its a sign. that I'm stupid.
Ok here is the story. yesterday while surfing around I found an IQ test on the net, yup thats right, IQ test. you probably can guest it from here. thats right that so called lucky number is my test result.

I only get 99, the last time I took that test I get 105. well that ain't good either. but atleast its better than yesterday. It means that my brain become dull. hmmm...... what should I do then to sharpen my brain.

well to make thing worst. I need to learn BASIS program, what the hell is that. they say it needed to do my work next month. well with my brain that becoming dull. I guess they need extra time to teach me the program. :(

Monday, February 16, 2004


Maaf neh buat apdet lang tlambat, gw ga di depan kompi sabtu kmaren jadinya baru skarang deh. jadi untuk hari ini backgraundnya warnanya pink dengan musik Linger. okey.

terjemahannya: Sorry for the late update. therefor only for today the background is pink and the back sound is Linger of Cranberries. happy listening. see you soon for the next update. ^^

but sorry for the slow download af the music.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

wake up

wake up and smell the coffee. ok what the hell am I talking about. marriage, wedding, and stuff you know.

yesterday and just a moment ago. I've experiance this moment. not that I'm the one who merried.
last night I watch bride of chucky( does that spelled correct^^b) what a funny movie not so scary as before right. and just a moment ago I read someone journal on web about their wedding. I don't about you all but for me every wedding is really touchy. ^^
now I wonder myself when will I get married. funny thought isn't it when all people were thinking why should get merried in when you can have all the fun to be a singgle.
what about you???

Monday, February 09, 2004


wadoh males banget mo ngapdate ni blog, yah udalah gw apdet aja deh.

okey here is what I want to say rigth now. was any of you ever felt that you've seen it before. Like De Ja Vu. what do you think about that. Is it our ability to see the future or what it's like what the Wachonsky brother said a mafunction of the program. or someone put a hack on it.

I've seen many De Ja Vu. almost everyday. huaahff lost word.

anyway. my question to you is. what do you think a De Ja Vu is. I have a small story of De Ja Vu, and it was the clearest vision tha I' ve ever seen. in my dream I saw a number that will shown today. it's like a betting number, you know SDSB atawa porkas. nha, gw di mimpi liat nomor yang keluar itu 36. klo ga sala gw itu masi sd klas brapa gituh uda lupa. nah besoknya pas gw pegi nek mobil, gw liat nomor itu terpampang dengan jelas.

Friday, February 06, 2004

Good news......

Wihuiiiiii...... Good News come at last. I don't know what to say. Maybe I should thank GOD, and all of you that have support me. I thank you all.

the good news is next month I start a job, a real job. I don't know what to say. perhaps any of you could give me an advice on what to do starting from now. please give me a comment. I really need that. I'm the kind of guy that really have a low confidence, I always need to consult when I want to do thing, so please give me an advice, I really appriciate it.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

nothing is new

its really tiring today, I dont know what to do next. almost allday and everyday I think, I use it to find a job. but never not even one that accept me on their company. isit because of my lack of experience. hell I've just graduated last year. I ain't got that much of an experience on work, man. well to tell you the truth, I've send many application especially on e-mail. they've cantanct me well some of it. but that just about it. only call me but not accept me. my friend once told me that Edison tried a 1000 times before he finally discover a lamp. If he retire on attemp 999 he would be the one who discover lamp. well ok then I said I've try to discover lamp. he..he..he.. :D

no heart feeling friends.....